Danielle H. Bratek, P.A.
A boutique firm focused on Trademark Law and related Intellectual Property matters
Brands: What are they?
A brand is a word, term, slogan, tagline, design, symbol or other feature that distinguishes your product or service from a competitor’s. Brands create an association between a product and consumer expectations. Quality, consistency, and reputation are represented by your brand.
Brands vs. Trademarks
All trademarks are brands, but not all brands are trademarks. Trademark holders enjoy exclusive ownership rights over use of a brand name. Only once a brand is a registered trademark does it have enforceable legal protections.
Why are Trademarks Important?
Trademarks represent a brand’s reputation. Repeat customers will seek out a particular brand to ensure that the items being purchased will meet their expectations in terms of quality and consistency. Owning a trademarked brand prevents unfair competition in the marketplace by preventing unscrupulous competitors from adopting a similar name brand for their goods.
Why Work With Danielle?
Trademarking is a tricky, pricy game if you get it wrong. Thanks for making it flawless and easy.
Brandon O.
You’ve made the process so simple and straight forward!
James M.
Your helpfulness and professionalism stands out above all others I have worked with in my business.
Michael A.
Thanks for the help with trademarking and all of my questions. You were mighty good at answering them. Doing this all by email was a breeze. Thanks for making it so.
Brett F.
I am very grateful that I did not click on one of the many thousands of websites that said they could do this for $399 US!
Rachel F.S.
I’ve been very impressed by how you clearly explain details for me to understand, and also for your outstanding communication throughout the process, I am very grateful.
Valerie E.
Ready to Own Your Brand?

Professional Memberships:
Florida Bar, 2004
American Bar Association
Broward County Bar Association
American Inn of Court – Stephen R. Booher Chapter
Executive Board Member 2007-2015
Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad Law Center, Juris Doctor, 2004
Salisbury State University, Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, Cum Laude, 2000
Danielle H. Bratek, PA
6278 N. Federal Highway, Suite 137
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
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MicroBrand Mondays™
Microbrands are small-scale or new brands which are recognized in a limited market or within a specific niche. Established brands grow from micro beginnings. Danielle H. Bratek P.A. is proud to promote our clients’ microbrands.
On Mondays, a curated brand will be featured on www.facebook.com/DHBratekPA
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